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Registration Information

Course Load

Winter – Students may register for a maximum of one (1) course (or 4 credits) for the Winter Online Session. Permission to enroll for more than the maximum may be granted by the Office of the Registrar

Summer– It is recommended that students register for a maximum of two (2) courses (or 8 credits) per session for a maximum of 18 credits for the entire Summer Session. Permission to enroll for more than the maximum noted above may be granted by the Office of the Registrar.

Fall and Spring – The College has established course load limits for its students. Except in very unusual circumstances, these are 18 credits for matriculated students and 11 credits for non-degree students. Normally, a full-time student completes four courses each semester and is therefore eligible to graduate in four years, having accumulated 128* credits and satisfied all other degree requirements (overall GPA and major GPA of 2.0). If, for serious reasons, a matriculated student wishes to register for more than 18 credits, the permission of the Office of the Registrar (D-224) must be obtained. If approved, permission will be noted on the student’s record to enable registration.
*For students matriculated as of Fall 1987

Non-Degree Seeking Students – Non-degree seeking students are limited to a maximum of 11 credits per semester for a total of 30 cumulative credits, at which point they may not continue unless they matriculate, well in advance of registration, through the Office of Admission.

Visiting Non-Degree Seeking Students – Non-degree seeking students who are visiting from other accredited colleges may enroll for more than 11 credits if they present a Visiting Student form, completed by the home institution, which verifies good academic standing, advisor approval of courses, and the home institution’s raised seal.

Post-Baccalaureate Non-Degree Seeking Students- Non-degree seeking students who already possess bachelor degrees may enroll for more than 11 credits.

Adding a Course

Students are eligible to addcourse(s) to their schedules starting the first open session.

The web registration system is available from 8:30 AM-11:55 PM.

Adding a Course

Dropping a Course

100% Drop Policy – Students can drop their courses at 100% from the start of registration until the end of the add/drop on the Web. All courses dropped on the Web up to and including the last day of the Add/Drop period will not appear on the transcript. (see Academic Calendar)

The web registration system is available from 8:30 AM-11:55 PM.

Dropping a Course

50% Drop Policy – To drop a course(s) during the 50% refund period the student must complete a 50% Drop Form in the Office of the Registrar or dropped on the web. If a full time student drops a course during this period and remains in full-time status no refund will occur, but the course will not appear on the transcript. (see Academic Calendar)

Dropping a Course

Pre-requisites for Taking a Course

It is the student’s responsibility to satisfactorily complete a prerequisite course before registering for a course with such a requirement. Please review the detail in the course descriptions on our website to be sure you have the required prerequisites. Course descriptions are found at Web for Students, Course/Catalog Description.

If you are a transfer or visiting student and believe that you have fulfilled the prerequisite, but cannot register for a course because the system does not recognize your prerequisite, you should contact the school that offers the course. If you prove that you have satisfied the prerequisite, the unit secretary may place an “override” on your records. This allows you to register for the course, but does not automatically enroll you. You must then go to and complete your registration.

Independent Study

Limited opportunities to enroll for course work on an Independent Study basis are available. A student interested in this option should obtain an Independent Study Registration Form from the Registrar; have it completed by the instructor, the dean of the school sponsoring the Independent Study, and, in the case of a graduate independent study, the graduate program director; and return it to the Registrar’s Office.

  • Undergraduate students may not enroll for more than FOUR (4) credits of Independent Study during any semester, including summer or winter.
  • Normally, undergraduate students may not exceed eight credits of Independent Study over the course of a student’s career.
  • Graduate students may enroll up to six (6) credits of independent study towards graduation requirements with the permission of the program director. Graduate students may petition the dean to allow enrollment in additional independent study credits.
  • Students on academic probation or academic warning are eligible for Independent Study only with the Dean’s permission.
  • Students may not take an Independent Study for a course that is offered within the regular schedule for that semester.
  • Students must complete a contract form for Independent Study as well as the Independent Study Registration Form. This form will indicate the purpose, objective,gradingcriteria, guidelines for hours of work required, discipline and level, and title/credits for the Independent Study.
  • Independent Study registrations will not be accepted after the last day of add/drop as indicated in the academic calendar.
  • Students may appeal the provisions in this policy to the dean sponsoring the independent study course.

No Independent Study registrations will be accepted after the last day of add/drop as indicated in the academic calendar.

Instructor Permission Courses

Matriculated students desiring to register for courses which require “permission of instructor” must obtain permission from the instructor of the course. This override will be electronically noted on the student’s record to facilitate web registration. After obtaining the override, students must register on the Web for the course (see link below). Please contact the appropriate unit secretary for assistance with this procedure, if needed.

Web Registration

Retaking/Repeating a Course


Graduate and undergraduate students may retake courses, and undergraduate students may repeat courses under certain circumstances. It is important for students to understand that “retaking a course” and “repeating a course” mean very different things at Ramapo College. These differences are explained in the procedure.


At Ramapo College, “retaking” a course is different from “repeating” a course. Each action is described fully below.


Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate and graduate students may, without any additional requirements, retakeoncea course they already took regardless of whether they passed or failed it. If the course was previouslypassed, the student must submit a Request to Retake a Course Form in the Office of the Registrar before registering for the course

Any student who would like to retake a coursemore than oncemay do so only with the permission of the Academic Dean of the School that offers the course. (Note: If a student retakes a course, the course credits may only be counted once toward fulfilling degree requirements. Therefore, the credits issued for the course when it was originally taken must be subtracted from the “earned credit” column on the transcript and degree evaluation, and only the credits issued when the course is retaken will count as “earned credit.”)

The decision to retake a course is left to student discretion except when a student has earned a grade lower than what is established by the program for a prerequisite course, if applicable, or an ‘F’ in a program-requiredcourse. When this occurs, the failed course must be retaken in order to successfully complete all degree requirements.

Retaking a course will affect the student’s transcript and grade point average (GPA) in the following ways:

  1. When a student retakes a course,allcourses andallgrades earned appear on the transcript.
  2. When a student retakes a course,grades earned are included in the calculation of the student’sܱܳپGPA, but only thehighestgrade earned is included in the calculation of the student’sǰGP

Graduate Students

Graduate students may, without any additional requirements, retakeoncea course they already took regardless of whether they passed or failed it. If the course was previously passed, the student must submit a Request to Retake a Course Form in the Office of the Registrar before registering for the course.

Any student who would like to retake a coursemore than oncemay do so only with the permission of the Graduate Program Director (for the program the student is enrolled in) and the Academic Dean of the School that offers the course. (Note: If a student retakes a course, the course credits may only be counted once toward fulfilling degree requirements. Therefore, the credits issued for the course when it was originally taken must be subtracted from the “earned credit” column on the transcript and degree evaluation, and only the credits issued when the course is retaken will count as “earned credit.”

The decision to retake a course is left to student discretion except when a student has earned a grade lower than what is established by the program for a prerequisite course, if applicable, or an “F” in a program-requiredcourse. When this occurs, the failed course must be retaken in order to successfully complete all degree requirements.

Retaking a course will affect the student’s transcript and grade point average (GPA) in the following ways:

  1. When a student retakes a course,allcourses andallgrades earned appear on the transcript.
  2. When a student retakes a course,allgrades earned are included in the calculation of the student’s cumulative GPA, which is used for determination of academic standing. Only the highest grade earned is included in the calculation of the student’sgraduateprogram GPA, used to determine graduation eligibility.


Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students are also allowed to “repeat courses” under certain circumstances.

Undergraduate students may choose to apply for the “repeat course option,” which allows a grade previously earned in the course to be excluded from the cumulative grade point average (GPA) calculation. (Note: Repeating a course doesnotremove the previously-earned grade from the undergraduate student’s academic transcript.)

An undergraduate student who wishes to repeat course must complete the following steps and be aware of the following information:

  1. An undergraduate student may repeat a course regardless of whether they previously passed or failed the course in order to try to earn a better grade.
  2. The student should consult with their advisor before applying for the repeat course option. Any undergraduate student who receives financial aid and who wishes to repeat a course should consult with the Office of Financial Aid to determine if repeating a course will have any impact on their financial aid award.
  3. Undergraduate students who have been notified that they are suspended or dismissed and wish to appeal their suspensions or dismissals must apply for all applicable repeat courses prior to submitting written appeals for immediate reinstatement. Students who accept their suspensions or dismissals or who are later notified that the Dean did not accept their appeals may not apply for any repeat course options until such time as they regain probationary status. Suspended students who serve their suspension terms and later apply successfully for reinstatement or readmission on probationary status may again use the repeat course option.
  4. All repeat course options must be requested by the time a student applies for graduation following the Graduation Application deadline posted on the Academic Calendar.
  5. The following guidelines and limitations apply to repeat course option grading:
    • If an undergraduate student wishes to use the repeat course option, the student must apply to and obtain approval from the Center for Student Success. If the course was previouslypassed, the student must also submit a Request to Retake a Course Form in the Office of the Registrar before registering for the course
    • The repeat course option is only availablefour times totalduring a student’s academic career at the College.
    • Աonerepeat course option can be issued per course, regardless of how many grades were previously earned in the course. The lowest grade earned (oroneof the lowest grades earned if the course was previously taken multiple times) will be excluded from the student’scumulativeGPA if a repeat course option is issued.
    • The course must bear the same subject, course number, and title as the course that is being repeated. In cases where the course being repeated has been discontinued and is no longer active, the student may request the repeat course option be issued for the equivalent renumbered course (e.g., if SOSC 101 has been discontinued and its equivalent renumbered course is SOSC 110). (Note: A student cannot use a repeat course option for a discontinued course that is no longer offered and has not been replaced with an equivalent course.)
    • The course may carry the same number or a different number of credits. The repeat course option may be used for lecture/lab courses that have been discontinued and renumbered, which bear a different number of credits than the course being repeated (e.g., if the 4-credit BIOL 110 has been discontinued and its two equivalent renumbered courses are the 4-credit BIOL 111 plus the 1-credit BIOL 111L).
    • A course in which an academic integrity violation occurred and a sanction was imposed isnoteligible for the repeat course option.This applies regardless of whether the sanction imposed, as a consequence for the academic integrity violation, resulted in the course being passed or failed.
    • A student maynotsubstitute an Independent Study for the course being repeated and use the repeat course option.
    • A student mayԴdzuse the repeat course option for an Independent Study.
    • A student maynotuse the repeat course option for a Topics course unless the student repeats the course with anԳپtopic.
    • The repeat course option isnotreversible at a later date.

Repeating a course will affect the student’s transcript and grade point average (GPA) in the following ways:

  1. When an undergraduate student is approved for the repeat course option after successfully retaking a course, an R will appear immediately next to the original grade earned in the course on the student’s transcript (e.g., RC-, RD+, RF).
  2. Once the repeat course option is applied,onelower grade previously earned in the course will be excluded from the calculation of the student’scumulativeGPA calculation. Only thehighestgrade earned is included in the calculation of the student’sǰGP (Important Note: Some graduate/professional school admission processes will re-calculate a student’s GPA to includeallgrades earned.)
  3. Once the repeat course grade (e.g., RC-, RD+, RF) is posted on the transcript, past and current cumulative and semester GPAs will be updated automatically, but the history of academic standing will not change on the transcript.

Graduate Students

Graduate students are also allowed to “repeat courses” under certain circumstances.

Graduate students may choose to apply for the “repeat course option” which allows a grade previously earned in the course to be excluded from the cumulative grade point average (GPA) calculation. (Note: Repeating a course does not remove the previously-earned grade from the graduate student’s academic transcript.)

A graduate student who wishes to repeat a course must complete the following steps and be aware of the following information:

  1. A graduate student may repeat a course regardless of whether they previously passed or failed the course in order to try to earn a better grade.
  2. The student should consult with their advisor before applying for the repeat course option. Any graduate students who receive financial aid and who wish to repeat a course can only repeat a course once without having any impact on their financial aid award.
  3. All graduate students that are receiving financial aid are required to maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA. If a student loses their financial aid for failure of maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA, they have the right to appeal through the Office of Financial Aid.
  4. Graduate students who have been notified that they are suspended or dismissed and wish to appeal their suspensions or dismissals must apply for all applicable repeat courses prior to submitting written appeals for immediate reinstatement. Students who accept their suspensions or dismissals or who are later notified that the Dean did not accept their appeals may not apply for any repeat course options until such time as they regain probationary status. Suspended students who serve their suspension terms and later apply successfully for reinstatement or readmission on probationary status may again use the repeat course option.
  5. All repeat course options must be requested by the time a student applies for graduation following the Graduation Application deadline posted on the Academic Calendar.
  6. The following guidelines and limitations apply to repeat course option grading:
    • If a graduate student wishes to use the repeat course option, the student must apply to and obtain approval from the Graduate Program Director (for the program in which the student is enrolled in). If the course was previouslypassed, the student must also submit a Request to Retake a Course Form in the Office of the Registrar before registering for the course.
    • The repeat course option is only availabletwo times totalduring a student’s graduate academic career at the College.
    • Աonerepeat course option can be issued per course, regardless of how many grades were previously earned in the course. The lowest grade earned (oroneof the lowest grades earned if the course was previously taken multiple times) will be excluded from the student’scumulativeGPA if a repeat course option is issued.
    • The course must bear the same subject, course number, and title as the course that is being repeated. In cases where the course being repeated has been discontinued and is no longer active, the student may request the repeat course option be issued for the equivalent renumbered course (e.g., if SOSC 101 has been discontinued and its equivalent renumbered course is SOSC 110). (Note: A student cannot use a repeat course option for a discontinued course that is no longer offered and has not been replaced with an equivalent course.
    • The course may carry the same number or a different number of credits. The repeat course option may be used for lecture/lab courses that have been discontinued and renumbered, which bear a different number of credits than the course be repeated (e.g., if the 4-credit BIOL 110 has been discontinued and its two equivalent renumbered courses are the 4-credit BIOL 111 plus the 1-credit BIOL 111L).
    • A course in which an academic integrity violation occurred and a sanction was imposed is not eligible for the repeat course option.This applies regardless of whether the sanction imposed, as a consequence for the academic integrity violation, resulted in the course being passed or failed.
    • A student may not substitute an Independent Study for the course being repeated and use the repeat course option.
    • A student may not use the repeat course option for an Independent Study.
    • A student may not use the repeat course option for a Topics course unless the student repeats the course with anidenticalٴDZ辱.
    • The repeat course option is not reversible at a later date.

Repeating a course will affect the student’s transcript and grade point average (GPA) in the following ways:

  1. When a graduate student is approved for the repeat course option after successfully retaking a course, an R will appear immediately next to the original grade earned in the course on the student’s transcript (e.g., RC-, RD+, RF).
  2. Once the repeat course option is applied,onelower grade previously earned in the course will be excluded from the calculation of the student’scumulativeGPA calculation. Only the highest grade earned is included in the calculation of the student’sgraduateprogram GPA, used to determine graduation eligibility (Important Note: Some graduate/professional school admission processes will re-calculate a student’s GPA to includedallgrades earned.)
  3. Once the repeat course grade (e.g., RC-, RD+, RF) is posted on the transcript, past and current cumulative and semester GPAs will be updated automatically, but the history of academic standing will not change on the transcript.
Registration Error Messages

Error — Error Occurred During Logon

You Are Not Authorized To Use The Ramapo College Information Systems. Please Contact The Registrar’s Office For More Information.

Action — Enter your username in all lower case letters

Error — Student May Not Take Course Because Of A Class Level Restriction. (Fr, So, Jr, Sr) Select Another Course; Or Contact The Professor Or School Office Offering The Course To Request A “Level” Override.
– Student is not the correct class level (FR, SO, JR, SR) to register for the course.
– Select another course; or contact the department offering the course to request a “Class-Lvl” override.

Error — The Section Has Reached Maximum Enrollment. Choose Another Course Or Contact The Professor/School Office For A “Capacity” Override If Granted Student Must Still Register For Course.
Definition – Class has reached its maximum capacity.
Action– Choose another course; or contact the Instructor or school administering the course for a capacity override.

Error — CoOp Office
Definition —
The user has attempted to register for a co-op course.
Action – Contact the Cahill Center for Approval

Error — CORQ_[course] REQ
Example: Corequisite PSYC 304 (CRN 40115) required
Definition– Student is trying to register for a course without its required CO-REQUISITE.
Action– Register for the required co-requisite listed in the error message.
NOTE:Co-requisite CRNs must be submitted at the same time. Use the CRN squares at the bottom of the Add/Drop Classes Worksheet.

Error — CRN Does Not Exist
– The requested Course Reference Number is not a valid number.
Action– Use the Class Search Option to find the correct CRN.

– Student is trying to register for two different sections of the same course.
Action– Review the schedule. Select only one section of the course.

– Course requires instructor’s approval before registration.
NOTE:Verbal approval is not sufficient. The Instructor must provide the student with an override.
Action– Contact the Professor for a permission of “Instructor Override.” Once granted, the student must still register for the course.

Course requires department approval before registration. NOTE:Verbal approval is not sufficient. The department must provide the student with an override.
Action– Contact the department for a permission of “Department Override.” Once granted, the student must still register for the course.

Error — Register for Both Lecture And Lab Sections At The Same Time. Linked CRN Must Be Submitted At The Same Time. Use The CRN Squares At The Bottom Of The Add/Drop Page.
– The individual is trying to register for lec/lab section of a course without the section pairing.
NOTE:Neither Lecture nor Lab will register if a registration error exists for either one.
Action– Register for both Lecture and Lab at the same time.
NOTE:Link CRNs must be submitted at the same time. Use the CRN squares at the bottom of the Add/Drop Classes page or use the check boxes on the Lookup Classes page.

Error — Student Has Not Declared The Correct Major To Take This Section. Select Another Section Or Contact The Professor/School Office To Request A “Program” Override, If Granted You Must Still Register.
– Individual is not categorized in the correct major to take this course.
Action– Select another course or contact the Dean of the course to request a “Program” override.

Error — Maximum Credits Exceeded, Undergrad Students See the Office of Student Success, Graduate Students See Your Program Director, For Permission to Take More Credits
– The individual is trying to register for more credit hours than they are allowed.
Action– Drop a Class or contact theCenter for Student Success to increase credit load.

Definition– Student is not categorized in the correct program to take this course.
Action– Select another course or contact the Dean of the course to request a “Program” override.

Error — Prerequisite Course Not Completed, Or Currently Enrolled For. Click On Course Title To See Prerequisites. Select Another Couse; Or Contact Professor For a “Prerequisite” Override, If Granted Register
– Student has not completed, and is not currently enrolled in, required prerequisites for course.
NOTE:The system will not check for transfer credits that may satisfy prerequisite requirements.
Action– Check the catalog to see which prerequisite requirements you are missing. Select another course; or contact the department offering the course to request a “Prerequisite” override.

Error — REPEAT COUNT EXCEEDS [number of times course can be repeated]
Definition– Student is trying to register for a course taken previously.
Action– Please contact the Office of the Registrar for additional information. (D-224)

– Student is trying to register for a course for which the only remaining seats are reserved for a particular level, major, or class.
Action– Select another course of contact the department offering the course to request “Closed Course” override.

Definition– Student is trying to register for a course that has overlapping times with the indicated CRN.
Action– Select another course.

Definition– Student is not eligible to register.
Action– The system is only available between 8:30 a.m. to 11:55 p.m. EST. Please review the registration schedule to determine if you are eligible to register for courses.

Error — Section Restricted To Student In The Degree Completion Program. All Sections 60-69 Are Restricted. Select Another Section.
– Student is not eligible to register for this course because they are not affiliated with the Adult Degree Completion Program.
Action– Select a different course.

Definition– Course is closed.
Action– Please choose a different course or section.

Definition– Not available for registration
Action– Please review the number of credits you have to ensure you can register at this this time. Contact the Office of the Registrar if you believe you received this message in error.

– Student Restriction
Action– The student’s status prohibits registration at this time.

Fresh Start

Did a previous enrollment at Ramapo College result in a low grade point average that doesn’t reflect the type of student you could be now? Ramapo’sFreshStartpolicy enables students who return to Ramapo after 24 consecutive months away to re-set their GPA as a first step towards achieving academic success during re-enrollment. Complete theFreshStart Inquiry form to speak with an advisor who can help determine ifFreshStartis right for you:

Registration Time Schedule Summer/Fall

The Registration Schedule for the Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 terms will be posted at a later date. Please check back for additional details.

Registration Time Schedule Winter 2024 and Spring 2024

You may register any time after your registration window opens between 8:30 am – 11:55 pm. If the opening of your window conflicts with your class schedule, registration remains open until 11:55 p.m. and is ongoing. Registration is not an excusable class absence.

Ramapo College Self Service Registration

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your Email Username and password
  3. Click Student Services and Financial Aid
  4. Click Registration


Academic Calendar

Undergraduate/Graduate Student Registration

10/30 12:30pm All Matriculated Students

Non-Matriculated Student Registration

11/6 8:30am Open to all New, Visiting, and Non-degree seeking students


  • Registration times are based on earned credits as of October 10, 2023.
  • Assigned registration times do NOT include currently enrolled credits.
  • An email will be sent the week of October 15th with your assigned registration window.
  • To determine your registration window, review credits earned on your transcript or degree audit. (Your credits earned excludes non-degree courses, unresolved Incompletes, W’s and F’s.)

Academic Calendar

Undergraduate/Graduate Student Registration

10/30 M 11:05am Doctoral/Graduate Students
10/30 M 11:05am Certificate Programs
10/30 M 1:05pm 114 and above cr (SR)
10/30 M 1:35pm 100 – 113.999 cr (SR)
10/30 M 4:00pm 95-99.999 cr (SR)
10/31 T 9:45am 85-94.999 cr (JR)
10/31 T 11:40am 77-84.999 cr (JR)
10/31 T 1:40pm 68-76.999 cr (JR)
10/31 T 3:30pm 64-67.999 cr (JR)
11/1 W 9:45am 54-63.999 cr (SO)
11/1 W 11:10am 41-53.999 cr (SO)
11/1 W 12:35pm 35-40.999 cr (SO)
11/1 W 1:30pm 32-34.999 cr (SO)
11/2 R 9:45am 24-31.999 cr (FR)
11/2 R 11:10am 14-23.999 cr (FR)
11/2 R 1:05pm 2-13.999 cr (FR)
11/2 R 4:00pm 0-1.999 cr (FR)

Non-Matriculated Student Registration

1/3 W 8:30am Post-bacs/Visiting
1/3 W 1:00pm OPEN TO ALL